
A Deadly Book Club

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When Celeste inherits her grandmother’s bookstore, she decides to start fresh in Bristol, after discovering that her boyfriend is cheating on her. While dealing with feelings of loss from her grandmother’s death and from her failed relationship, she also needs to find the strength to move on. Joining Bristol’s dedicated book club seems like the perfect way to meet new people and escape her thoughts for a while. Little does she expect that the seemingly innocent book club that is about to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary will bring chaos in her life. For this special occasion, the town hosts a party at the local library where a renowned author is scheduled to do a book signing, and everyone is thrilled to see their favorite writer. Unfortunately for them, they’ll never get a chance to meet him… alive.

During the festivity, the guest of honor, novelist Stew Michaelis, is found lifeless in the library’s washroom. After the police determine his death to be the result of murder, they arrest a member of the book club named Clyde, a man encapsulated in mystery and rumors. Even though everyone in town appears dead set on blaming Clyde, Celeste is not that easily convinced. Clyde was the first man she met upon her arrival and she believes him to be innocent, so she takes the investigation into her own hands. Soon, she’ll learn shocking secrets about Clyde and the other book club members–secrets they would rather keep hidden. Celeste is determined to find out who killed Stew Michaelis and why people are so quick to believe in Clyde’s guilt. Is she really ready to face the truth though, or are some things better left buried?

Celeste will boldly face rejection and uncover each and every layer of Clyde’s mysterious demeanor until she learns with certainty that he has nothing to hide. Despite the challenges she faces from others, as well as the inner saboteur that wreaks havoc inside her mind, Celeste will push forward with a tenacity her grandmother would be proud of. Will she manage to find Stew’s true killer and learn the truth about Clyde’s identity, or will a seemingly innocent man be sent to prison?

“A Deadly Book Club” is an intriguing cozy mystery novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cliffhangers, just pure captivating mystery.

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A Mansion Full of Enemies

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Valerie Monroe is a feisty hotelier, with a reputation for being ruthless, although that hasn’t always been the case. Ever since she was blindsided by a brutal betrayal, she dedicated herself to the family’s business, surprising everyone with her skills. Due to her ambitious nature, her only current desire is to become her father’s successor, ignoring the risk she puts herself into. When treacherous forces seem to be conspiring against her, she decides to attend her father’s annual charity gala, where she finds old and new enemies in attendance. Βy an odd coincidence, a dangerous storm blows in, trapping all the terrified guests inside the allegedly haunted mansion. As soon as they settle down, waiting for the storm to pass, a sudden gunshot turns everyone’s blood cold…

Within seconds, a shocking and gruesome discovery is made; Valerie’s friend is found lying lifeless in the ballroom. Some fingers immediately point to Valerie, leaving her with no other option but to prove her innocence on her own. Shady guests, suspicious looks and talks, and mouths shut tight, only make everything more complicated. Valerie finally realizes why she didn’t feel welcome at this gala from the very start, as it appears her presence is intruding on a mysterious plot and someone’s dark plans. This doesn’t discourage her powerful will to find justice for her friend though and her investigation proceeds to expose shocking secrets and bring to light old feuds that should’ve stayed buried…

As the wind’s blowing up a hurricane outside, Valerie will be forced to take control and face her family once and for all. Although she feels shattered, she has to act fast and find the killer before the storm abates, or else she might never find the truth and take her life back… At this point, there is no going back for her; her future and the case’s outcome will inevitably be defined by this horrible night. Will she be able to handle what is about to follow, once the murderer reveals their cruel face? What if Valerie becomes the next target, before she and the dark truth manage to escape this twisted night?

“A Mansion Full of Enemies” is an intriguing cozy mystery novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cliffhangers, just pure captivating mystery.

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The Murder Next Door

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When Marla James discovered a dead body in the apartment next to hers years ago by coincidence, her life was tremendously affected. More specifically, it is after this chilling encounter, that she decides to become a funeral director, a job that she surprisingly still enjoys. Given her peculiar personality and her difficulty in understanding and following the social cues, this role has been a great fit for her. This is exactly why a seemingly ordinary phone call in the middle of the night, wasn’t enough of a warning for the nightmare that was about to unfold before her eyes…

Oddly enough, not only is the crime scene located where she once lived, but she also recognizes the victim, who to Marla’s horror, is her old landlord. To make matters more complicated, she realizes that she has already seen one eerily similar murder in this exact house, a few years ago. Both victims died from a slash to the throat, the killing trademark of a murderer who is already behind bars. Shocked by the gruesome turn of events and the overwhelming memories, she tries to recollect herself and do her duty. However, not long after speaking with Dane Read, the handsome detective investigating the case, Marla is declared a suspect by the police. Out of nowhere, more and more damning evidence is planted against her, giving her only one option…

Inevitably, she will be forced to take justice in her own hands, struggling to eliminate the possible killers herself. However, the more suspects she interviews, the more dreadful secrets she uncovers. As the case’s clock is reaching its final strike, Marla’s chances for exculpation are tragically reduced. Will the dashing Detective fall for Marla’s quirky charm and intelligence and help her find the real culprit, or will he stand by idly, watching her go down for a crime she didn’t commit? Will she manage to get to the bottom of this mystery, swimming through the dangerous obstacles that lurk in every corner?

“The Murder Next Door” is an intriguing cozy mystery novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cliffhangers, just pure captivating mystery.

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